
1. lose weight
2.clean up my fucking mess bedroom!!
3.cook for myself a healthy person at least 3 chinese books and 2 english book in a regular life time
7.take April for a walk everyday.
8.plan a time table for my life in summer.
9. do a single trip for myself. like go to macau along.
10.improve my english. to step up my english vocabluary.
11.think about my future. growing up.
12.make some chang for my life.

Be a independent woman, don't rely on family or friends. Get use to be alone.
Try to growing up. Do something useful and helpful for my life. Do a plan for future life,
think about the things happened in the past. Learn how to manage finaces.
to better my temper, learn not to have tears in a fight.
make my TV time shorter and also the computer thing.

that's all the ideas all I think of now.

But now,
I have to face my final exam( 4 days left)
2. the fucking packing problem.
3.All the things must planed by myself.
(Remember!! Your family won't do any help for you, your parent won't come and pick you up,
your family won't send a car to help your packing stuff. your family won't to any help for you.)

You are NOT a little girl ,Jasmine.
You are 21. And you have to grow up.
Get to used it.
Don't live in past.
Don't walk the same road like your father.

    創作者 enimsaj 的頭像

    Jasmine's box * 夾子的碎碎念

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